Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Blog #12 - Final Blog


My name and what I choose to post on social media platforms impacts the people around me and my daily life. I tune in to see how many likes I will get on my Instagram post, who views my story on Snapchat and Instagram, and how I connect with family on Facebook if I haven't seen them in years.

The overall impact of technology today is astounding from where it was years ago. The advancement of technology is as equally astounding. A.I. and the documents surrounding it are directly related to society today. 

This new age is going to exploring how technologies like Artificial Intelligence is changing the world and how countries are adapting to this new technological influence. Now A.I. and other technological forms are becoming more accepted and is having a large impact on the world and people surrounding these devices.

My relationship with technology has definitely changed over the years. I never had a phone until I was 16, only using the devices I had before then for emergencies, specifically to call my parents or use an emergency number. My parents made me wait to get a phone because they knew about the downsides of technology and how it affects a person and their mind. 

I was really jealous to see other people in school having phones and using them, posting things to their Instagram, Snapchat, and other accounts. I remember distinctly only having YouTube and remember looking at Instagram for the first time like it was a foreign object. It made no sense to me.

Since then, I really had the opportunity to see what my parents were talking about, especially with children now and how they use technology. I am super grateful to my family for letting me see how technology makes such a damaging impact on young minds, even if the intentions behind using devices are just.

Looking at my average screen time now, I see where concerns may lie for parents or people when they see others using a device. If I go a day without technology, it feels foreign and weird to me. My phone has become an attachment, which isn't healthy.


I have made sure from an early age to only put acceptable images online, keeping private photos to myself. My mom told me from a young age that photos can never be deleted so I have to be mindful of what I choose to put online and how people can interpret what I post.

My relationship with technology now and learning how damaging technology really is from this class makes me think a lot about how I am contributing to this technological age and environment. I can really grasp how my actions affect others and what I can do to be a better person and be more mindful as I advance in life.


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