Friday, December 3, 2021

(Extra Credit) A.I. Movie Post

Artificial Intelligence in the New Age


Photo of Robert Downey Jr. (from Google)

In this YouTube Originals video, Robert Downey Jr. narrates, explaining various technological terms, including machine learning terms, algorithms, and machine data. Downey explains developments of different kinds of A.I. including musical machines and computer generated facial development softwares. 

The discussion of something called the Pandora's Box comes into play, being based on the Greek myth, which describes those people thinking outside of the box when coming to terms with the current status of Artificial Intelligence and how it would be conducted into society. This concept explores how far A.I. can go and is going and how it comes into play when people think about it in today's world.

Mark Sagar is talked about, an A.I. specialist with a PhD in Bioengineering. Sagar owns Future Studios, which hopes to create lifelike software and voice software of celebrity Will.I.Am. Sagar is developing software that he hopes will allow others to understand A.I. better by making it more understandable to the general public. He is the creator of Baby X, a lifelike simulation of a toddler, learning from his teachings to it of different words and phrases. Through Baby X Sagar hopes to implement how a digital mind can process real world scenarios.  


Photo of Mark Sagar (from Google)

This new software is an immense development for the world of A.I. because it allows for the world to see how A.I. has come over the years. One of Sagar's goals is to make A.I. as humanlike as possible.

Other notable A.I. advancers are discussed, including Gil Weinberg. Weinberg is focusing on the more musical and practical side of A.I., helping those who are amputees by creating a prosthetic arm that generates maximum movement by utilizing muscles from the body part that is amputated. Weinberg's mindset is that Artificial Intelligence will advance society further by using things like machine learning to assess his current A.I. software. 

Weinberg's dedication and development towards these machines has given him the opportunity to create his Skywalker Hand, which is the model that allows amputees to use. Since this model uses things like ultrasound software, this model is unique because it has really given understanding to how much A.I. can help others and make their lives better. A new subject for testing has been selected, Jason Schneider, who lost his arm. Schneider and Weinberg collaborated to achieve a great outcome - the Skywalker arm working and functioning very well for a first time user.

With both Sagar and Weinberg, A.I. will be questioned. There is a perception of A.I. that both pioneers touch on, and that is: A.I. is progressing, and people are scared. With any kind of new technology, there are those that rush to push the momentum forward and make sure it sticks around, and there are others who are more skeptical in pushing the technology forward.  

A.I. will continue to be questioned because of society's perception on the topic. People like Sagar and Weinberg will continue to push for this new age of Artificial Intelligence and its benefits.

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