Tuesday, December 7, 2021

EOTO #1 = What I learned and Reflection

EOTO #1 - What Did I Learn?

In class, we were all tasked with presenting a topic that is related to technology or is some form of a technological device. During these presentations, I listened and took notes on various topics that I found interesting or facts I hadn't heard before. I found each topic quite interesting, and took an interest in those I took notes on. I think it's very interesting how much these technologies or devices changed society and the way we perceive how these devices look and the information society knows about them.

Phonographs and Records is something I thought was really interesting when listening in class. I didn't think about or know how large records used to be. I learned the phonograph wasn't intended to be used for music, it could record voices, and it revolutionized society and technology because people were able to have music in their homes that wasn't played by them or musicians. Records are now known to be collectibles, and record players are considered to be more of a vintage item.

Motion Pictures interested me before they were presented in this class. I learned a lot of things about motion pictures. I never really thought about how much the creation of motion pictures impacted the movie industry immensely, and because of this the way movies are told and shown now are more technologically advanced and the introduction of new forms that help the movie industry have been introduced. Motion Pictures really affected the way stories were able to be told on screen. Pictures would move very quickly, so quickly in fact, that it would look like animation. This would allow others to express themselves and their emotions in pictures. The film industry is heavily present today, many sales coming from movie franchises because of their premise and also because of the way they are interpreted by others.

Drones are interesting, well used devices. Something that interested me about drones is that I didn't know they were used in natural disasters to assess the damage from the tragic event. The use of drones spread rapidly. A downside to drones is that their design can sometimes be unreliable and they can crash easily and become easily damaged.

My Final Thoughts: 

Different technologies interest me and have impacted my life. Some of these are a few of the ones I think have really impacted my life. I think each kind of technology serves a purpose and have come into existence for a reason. Advancement is natural in a society, and a few examples are explained above. I really enjoyed learning about these technologies and now realize how important each of these are to the modern day world and today's society.

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