Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Blog #10 - What I Learned EOTO #2


For the second EOTO presentations we had to present for class we were divided into different groups and presented on concepts like theories, media spheres, awareness, and policies. Each group explored unique concepts, their founding, and how they were used in the world today. These topics were either some that I knew information of or some that I had never heard of before. 

It was interesting to me to explore more information about the topics and the presenters really understood what they were talking about. I was super engaged by each presentation and had the opportunity to grasp more what the topic was and become more educated on it. 

I always enjoy the opportunity to sit in on discussions and learn from them and gain a learning for new material and concepts. I enjoyed each teams discussion and presentation, and I think the overall groups were great. All of the ideas they presented seemed to work together well and they showed how it was incorporated into modern day times. 

In this modern day world, we have fashioned ideas and concepts as we see fit. We often don't take the time to educate ourselves on what these ideas are and how important they are in society. Ideas like propaganda, disinformation, whistleblower, and even online influencers have existed for a long time and are starting to make more of an appearance.

The discussion of an online influencer entails many aspects and causes for many arguments among people. The definition of an online influencer is often someone who has gained traction from social media platforms. They often represent a specific brand and industry, and have their own target audience they have to cater towards. They can now come in the form of an Instagram influencer, TikTok influencer, YouTube creator, or another form of social media.

It is interesting to see why these individuals are followed by many on their platforms and what makes them so appealing to brands as well as their audience.


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